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Helping others is really helping oneself(2010-10-04 10 am.)  

2010-10-04 10:50:03|  分类: 英文杂谈 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Last Wednesday,2010-10-01,a significant feast was held in Beijing by Gates and Buffett,the two American industry titans  and world famous philanthropists.After the feast,The two big Americans called the feast a "complete success." One reason is that 2 out of 3 people invited had taken part in the feast.
What about the other 1/3 who had declined the invatation?
What were they fearing for being present on the philanthroic feast?
On the feast,Chen Guangbiao, a self-made Chinese millionaire and one of the few confirmed guests at the dinner, told Gates and Buffett that he would donate his entire fortune, an estimated $735 million, to charity upon his death, jokingly calling his decision a "nice-to-meet-you" gift for the two Americans.
Why did Chen Guangbiao not fear to be put under the Sunshine?
Why did Chen Guangbiao declare a naked donation of his personal wealth so bravely?
I do not want to criticize some of the Chinese billionares who do not like to make a charity to the society because it is their right to do so.
But I do think that most of the billionares in China nowadays made money too quickly and too easilly so that they do not have enough time to think about how to spend it,not say donation.
Here I would like to mention Chenguangbiao's words :"Every dollar I made was with the help of others -- so I want to give it back to society and make my life more meaningful and valuable."
Rich people should not forget where their fortune comes from and should know where their fortune go.  
Finally I would like to give an example:In 2009, there were 121 Chinese philanthropists who donated a combined $277 million, less than half of what a single American family -- financier Stanley Druckenmiller and his wife -- gave away in the same year in the United States!
China is booming and Chinese Tycoons are booming too.We hope that rich Chinese would do not forget the commitment to the society they shall shoulder,not only for charity,but for their thanksgiving.
I believe there will be some Chinese philanthropists who are traveling the world promoting charity in the near future.

Helping others is really helping oneself.

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