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Our goal of taking part in this net-blog contest( Sep.08,2010)  

2010-09-08 11:13:42|  分类: 英文杂谈 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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The semi-final contest of net blog has ended.Our blog ranks the third with a tally of 68315 .The final rusult is now in god's hand .To tell turth,we are very confident of our blog which characterizes itself with the following advantages:
1.It is fulfilled by a couple while many many secialized travellers in China nowadays are single,especially single man.It
means that we are determinded to streanthen our love during traveling.
2.We have made traveling a new significance:saving energy and protecting our environment by our own actions and promotions.
3.We have been working hard in cultural exchanges with other people in the world by means of promoting traditional Chinese
music and Chinese culture,in bring other's culture to Chinese people by our blog and rich pictures.
4.We are experimenting a green and low carbon,scientific and healthy life style on our way traveling the world.
So it is not important weather we can get the final award or not.The most important thing is that we can bring our living
idea to more and more people through our blog,throuth this national net-blog contest.

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